I'm stuck on desires utilizing humans - to what end? The potato chips must be eaten, digested and excreted, hence the human being to eat them?

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Start with DNA. Dawkins makes a good case for the idea that human intelligence is a by product of DNA replicating itself (and mutating) to survive the pressures around it. In this case, we can think of all of humanity as being a chariot for the DNA- we are the material that sustains and passes the DNA pattern of molecules.

Similarly- we can treat humans as vehicles for ideas. Ideas don't exist without humans, but they undergo similar mechanisms to biological creatures (and any pattern in reality really), where the fittest survive, and mutations occur. Of course, the big difference is that ideas are generated with intention.

But not all ideas are. The reason people drink Coca-Cola is because that desire has been manufactured, taking advantage of human psychology. That desire for Coke is on of a myriad of desires driving a person to action. The desire for potato chips utilizes humans and potatoes and the shop owners and plastic bag manufacturers.

To what end? To the end of its sustaining its pattern. Much like darwinian life cannot ask "to what end" from the natural perspective, so too desires.

I hope this clarifies a little.

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